1、In the year of dog,wish you eternal happiness with your family always.。
2、前程一路旺到底!May your career paths be smooth. 前程一路旺到底!
3、狗年旺旺,旺(萬)事如意,旺萬)事順心! 百業(yè)興旺 狗年行大運 天狗守吉祥 笑容常在笑口常開,身體健康萬事如意! 祝你一帆風順,雙龍戲珠;三陽開泰,四季發(fā)財;五福臨門,六六大順;七星捧月,八面春風;九運當頭,十全十美,恭喜恭喜....。
4、祝您狗年快樂!祝你新年快樂! 美事跟著你,金錢貼著你,貴人幫助你,禍事躲著你,小人繞著你,愛人念著你,家人掛著你,上天保佑你,好運和你不分離、從奮斗到成功,可能有1000步,附帶還送驗鈔機!我把新年的祝福和希望,悄悄地放在將融的雪被下,讓它們,沿著春天的秧苗生長,送給你滿年的豐碩與芬芳!20xx狗年春節(jié)祝福語精選7,揣著幸福,攜著快樂,寶馬的氣度://a.jpg" esrc="http、20xx佳節(jié)不送禮!老朋友,新春又到,祝福是最美好的話語://g!
5、Abundant fortune throughout the year! 狗年發(fā)大財! Wishing you a dog year with profits pouring in, prosperity in business, and hassle-free work. 祝你狗年財源滾滾,生意興隆,工作順利!
7、Please accept my sincere wishes for the Year of Dog. I hope you will continue to enjoy good health. 請接受我誠摯的狗年祝福,順祝身體健康!
9、祝狗年大展宏圖!I hope you have a most happy and prosperous Year of Dog. 謹祝狗年快樂幸福,大吉大利!
11、狗年萬事如意!Wishing you a dog year with profits pouring in, prosperity in business, and hassle-free work.。
12、To wish you joy at this holy season. Wishing every happiness will always be with you. 恭祝狗年吉祥,幸福和歡樂與你同在!
13、狗年祝福語英語50字。Enjoy lasting prosperity.。
14、讓云捎去滿心的祝福,點綴你甜蜜的夢,愿你擁有一個幸福快樂的新年! 5!20xx狗年春節(jié)祝福語精選健康是最佳的禮物!新年快樂,春節(jié)快樂!
15、May your career paths be smooth.。
16、As the year of the dog arrives, I wish you peace, luck, and joy.。
17、Season's greetings and best wishes for the Year of Dog. 祝福您,狗年快樂!